All kinds of going's on this month, kids. Where do I even start?
Well, for one, David G. nailed his 12th metric to earn his 1/2 Litor O' Dirt! Congratulations Dave... there's alot of year left! What will you do? What will you do?!

Shockey's got his 1/2 Liter O' Dirt too - with 9 metrics and 3 full centuries - that's a total of 12 - unless, of course, he wants to separate them and get the 1/2 Liter AND either some Mud or go for a full Cup! (???)
Fuller completed the
Almanzo 100, getting a full century in as he continues his preparation for the Dirty Kanza (a 200 mile beauty in the Flint Hills of Kansas. Kansas ain't flat, Dorothy!)
Rick Blackford is back at it- actually enjoying the CIRREM course in the warmth of May! (Hmmm - now THERE'S and idea, Jed)
And O'l Robert Campbell has rejoined the chase: Read up on his report:
It's been a long time since I first attempted this way back on
January 31st. Yesterday, it all started when I changed my front
rubber from knobby trail thing to Vulpine gravel thing. The mercury
was nudging north to the eighties for the first time all year, and it
would be in the nineties before the day was done. I had no idea I
would ride sixty-two miles before it was over, and while there were
lengthy stops for various good reasons, in a stretch of twelve hours
with various other tasks thrown in, I'd logged 64.5 miles,
predominantly gravel even when I had to ride the shoulder...
here's the write-up, you decide if it qualifies for my first:
I figure I had ten blacktop miles; six during the first stretch when
I didn't know I was started a dirty 100km, and four more in/around
town the few times I needed to start/do another loop after eating,
meeting friends, etc. It could have pushed twelve, not sure.
Robert Campbell"Matt Maxwell is adding to his quest - with a whole bunch o' riding during the Trans-Iowa weekend and a couple O' others, he's added 2 metrics and a full to his tally - and he's on his way to Dirty Kanza next weekend too -
And finally, Joe Meiser, of Trans-Iowa fame, has thrown his hat into the ring.. read his report and watch for his stories about the GDR in June. All goes well, he'll have a few Cups under his belt by June 30th!
What a great idea! I'd love to get in on this. I'm up to 5 so far
including: Ragnarok, Almanzo, and TransIowa (How many for this event?
I assumed 3). I'm fairly certain I'll hit the quota. I head for
Banff and the Tour Divide on the 10th of June!
Joe"Yes, Joe - I, too, am fairly certain you'll hit the quota!
So, what'r you all chasing? I dunno - why don't you ask the poor schmucks who chased these Cups down last year? After all, they'll be sipping some sweet coffee from their hard earned mugs shortly... assuming, of course, they re-send me their shipping address - (Cups are done and will be shipped asap!)
Keep riding!
Peace - Dave